In un vecchio post avevamo parlato dei "gradienti", ovvero un graduale avvicinamento ad un obbiettivo procedendo in modo costante,e probabilmente è il miglior modo per definire questa filosofia pratica che è la base del progresso continuo nipponico.Esiste poi un riferimento pratico a cui tutta la nazione si ispira:
È sicuramente l'esempio per eccellenza dell'autodeterminazione.Nato in una piccola cittadina da una famiglia umile,non amava la scuola,ma tutte le attività manuali,soprattutto quelle meccaniche.Un giorno rispose ad un annuncio e fu convocato dal titolare,anche se l'officina si trovava molto lontano da casa sua.Fu deluso dal fatto che il titolare ricercasse un baby-sitter per il figlio più che un meccanico,ma accettò ugualmente pur di avere vicino degli attrezzi meccanici con cui sperava di lavorare in futuro.Furono due lunghi anni,poi riuscì a farsi spostare in officina.Il giovane Soichiro si impegnò incredibilmente nei cinque anni seguenti,fino a quando il titolare gli propose di unirsi a lui per sviluppare l'attività.Riuscì a creare un nuovo tipo di pistone per propulsioni,ma era troppo leggero ed il risultato fu un fiasco.Uscito da quella esperienza si decise a buttarsi negli studi meccanici e si iscrisse anche all'universita'.Riavviò ,terminati gli studi,un suo laboratorio,per riprendere gli studi sul suo pistone e come migliorarlo.Purtroppo nel frattempo era guerra ed il.suo laboratorio fu distrutto.Al termine della guerra non esisteva più nulla,Soichiro era allo sbando senza soldi.Vedeva solo biciclette ,perché era l'unica cosa ancora in circolazione.Fu in quel momento che ebbe la sua più importante realizzazione: montare il suo pistone sulle bici.Iniziò contattare tutti i produttori di biciclette del paese per presentargli il progetto,intanto aveva riaperto un laboratorio dove aveva iniziato a produrla.Qualcuno iniziò a provarla e comprarla,ma era ancora troppo pesante,si rituffo' nelle modifiche ed alla fine uscì con il prodotto definitivo : "la superclub".Gli anni seguenti furono quelli che lo portarono a contatto con l'Imperatore per dei riconoscimenti,e iniziò ad esportare in Europa e ai ragazzi Statunitensi la sua bici.Dagli anni Settanta in poi è storia di tutti i giorni : l'Honda Corporation è un colosso mondiale delle auto e dei motocicli.Sembrerebbe un caso isolato il.sig.Honda,ma nella realtà nazionale divenne l'esempio da seguire per ogni attività, e questo ha fatto si che qualsiasi evento,anche traumatico abbia portato delle impressionanti innovazioni,come avvenuto anche recentemente con i treni ad alta velocità a levitazione magnetica.Se non fossero avvenuti i terribili terremoti che avevano distrutto tutte la le linee ferroviarie,forse sarebbero ancora dei modelli sperimentali da laboratorio.
In an old post we talked about the "gradients", or a gradual approach to a goal proceeding in a constant way, and probably is the best way to define this practical philosophy that is the basis of continuous Japanese progress. There is then a practical reference to the whole nation is inspired by:
It is certainly the example par excellence of self-determination. Born in a small town by a humble family, he did not like school, but all manual activities, especially mechanical ones. One day he answered an announcement and was called by the owner, even if the workshop was very far from his house. He was disappointed that the owner was looking for a baby-sitter for his son rather than a mechanic, but he still accepted to have near mechanical tools with which he hoped to work in the future. two long years, then he managed to get moved in the workshop. The young Soichiro worked incredibly in the following five years, until the owner proposed to join him to develop the business.Riuscì to create a new type of piston for propulsion , but it was too light and the result was a fiascoOscite from that experience he decided to throw himself into the mechanical studies and he enrolled also to the university.Riavviò, finished the studies, one his laboratory , to resume studies on its piston and how to improve it.Unfortunately in the meantime it had broken out.The war and the laboratory was destroyed.At the end of the war there was nothing more, Soichiro was in disarray without money.It only saw bicycles, because it was the only thing still in circulation. It was at that time that had its most important realization: to mount its piston on the bikes. He started to contact all the bicycle manufacturers in the country to present the project, while he had reopened a workshop where he had started Someone began to try it and buy it, but it was still too heavy, went back into the changes and eventually came out with the final product: "the superclub". The following years were those that brought him into contact with the Emperor for awards, and began to export his bike to Europe and the US boys. From the seventies onwards it is a story of every day: the Honda Corporation is a global colossus of the and the motorcycles. An isolated case of the.sig.Honda would appear, but in the national reality it became the example to follow for every activity, and this meant that any event, even traumatic, has brought some impressive innovations, as happened recently with the high-speed magnetic levitation trains. If the terrible earthquakes that had destroyed all the railway lines had occurred, perhaps they would still be experimental laboratory models.
In an old post we talked about the "gradients", or a gradual approach to a goal proceeding in a constant way, and probably is the best way to define this practical philosophy that is the basis of continuous Japanese progress. There is then a practical reference to the whole nation is inspired by:
It is certainly the example par excellence of self-determination. Born in a small town by a humble family, he did not like school, but all manual activities, especially mechanical ones. One day he answered an announcement and was called by the owner, even if the workshop was very far from his house. He was disappointed that the owner was looking for a baby-sitter for his son rather than a mechanic, but he still accepted to have near mechanical tools with which he hoped to work in the future. two long years, then he managed to get moved in the workshop. The young Soichiro worked incredibly in the following five years, until the owner proposed to join him to develop the business.Riuscì to create a new type of piston for propulsion , but it was too light and the result was a fiascoOscite from that experience he decided to throw himself into the mechanical studies and he enrolled also to the university.Riavviò, finished the studies, one his laboratory , to resume studies on its piston and how to improve it.Unfortunately in the meantime it had broken out.The war and the laboratory was destroyed.At the end of the war there was nothing more, Soichiro was in disarray without money.It only saw bicycles, because it was the only thing still in circulation. It was at that time that had its most important realization: to mount its piston on the bikes. He started to contact all the bicycle manufacturers in the country to present the project, while he had reopened a workshop where he had started Someone began to try it and buy it, but it was still too heavy, went back into the changes and eventually came out with the final product: "the superclub". The following years were those that brought him into contact with the Emperor for awards, and began to export his bike to Europe and the US boys. From the seventies onwards it is a story of every day: the Honda Corporation is a global colossus of the and the motorcycles. An isolated case of the.sig.Honda would appear, but in the national reality it became the example to follow for every activity, and this meant that any event, even traumatic, has brought some impressive innovations, as happened recently with the high-speed magnetic levitation trains. If the terrible earthquakes that had destroyed all the railway lines had occurred, perhaps they would still be experimental laboratory models.